No time to exercise? No problem!
"Introducing the amazing new workout program that's the
laziest way to get in shape - works almost any place, anytime, anywhere…even
while watching TV!"
Whoever said 'no pain - no gain' obviously
didn't know about this…
Dear friend,
If you'd like to finally get in shape, feel more energetic and look great without knocking yourself out at the gym, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.
My name is Jeff Ball. I'm an ACE certified personal trainer and fitness instructor for over 15 years. I'm not a professional ad writer. But what I had to share with you is so revolutionary and so exciting - I just had to sit down and tell you all about it. So please bear with me a little.
Let me start by telling you I'm a highly sought after personal trainer who coaches some of the busiest professionals in and around the nation's capital.
Needless to say, that's where my big problem lies….
Trouble is, most of my clients are just too darned busy to get to the gym and meet with me. There just didn't seem to be any time to get their exercise in. And even worse, many of my clients travel a great deal and are on the road, it's nearly impossible to stick to their workout routine.
Sound at all familiar?
That's why I decided to do something about this. I wanted to create a simple, yet extremely effective, workout program that my clients could do anytime, any place, nearly anywhere.
Truthfully, I wasn't sure it was even possible but I went ahead anyway with my research. My fellow trainers all laughed when I told them about my idea. You should have heard them yucking it up at my expense.
But I knew there had to be a way - and I found it…
Announcing the "Get Fit While You Sit"
Workout Program
Who said working out has to be HARD?
I've put together a proven program for you to get a complete workout in as little as 12 minutes a day. And the most remarkable part of the whole system is that you can be sitting at your desk, in traffic, in your hotel room or at home watching TV!
I know it all sounds too good but keep reading and I'll prove it to you…
Are you sitting down while reading this? Good, try this…
For Example, Let Me Give You A Simple
Exercise You Can Do Right Now To Get Amazing Abs!
This exercise shows you immediately how simple, how incredibly
easy, how incredibly effective my "Get Fit While You Sit" exercises are.
When you get started with my workout program, to try at our risk, check page 15 right away. There you'll be shown the exact way to tighten and tone your abs without any of those silly "rockers" or "rollers" that don't really work!
Here's a simple exercise you can do while watching TV or sitting at your computer:
While seated straight up in your chair, forward of the seat
back, place the hands softly behind your head. Slowly lift
your left leg while lowering your right elbow "down and in"
toward the inside of your left knee. Your goal is to touch
your elbow slightly below the inside of your knee. Return to
the starting position and repeat the same movement to the
other side. After you have done one repetition for each side
you may count one. Nothing more, completely simple and easy
way to shape up your abs.
Easy, right?
Well, inside the complete "Get Fit While You Sit" workout program you'll get 36 simple, yet extremely effective exercises and stretches. All fully illustrated and explained so you can easily get started in just minutes.
Ready to get started? Click here
Which of These Trouble Spots Would
Like to Get Rid Of While Sitting?
- Thin your thighs…
- Flatten your tummy…
- Slim down your hips…
- Tone up your arms…
- Firm up your butt and your entire body…
- Trim down your love handles and get rid of that 'spare tire'…
- Sculpt your chest…
- Get definition in your arms….
- Zap away any job stress and much more…
Of course, I know it sounds too easy and unbelievable…
I bet you're thinking "this can't really work" or "this is too good to be true" (heck, my wife Andie, didn't believe it either until I showed her the exercises). But walk through any health club and you'll see for yourself that 75% - 85% of the people are all SITTING!
Yes, it's true! But even still, I don't expect you to take my word for it -
so here's what a few of the first beta testers of "Get Fit While You Sit" had to say about its power and effectiveness:
"This is the easiest program I have followed so far and a
week into
it I am still doing it. And I have already begun to feel
the benefits in my
back and carriage."
Mrs. S.J. Green
"So far I have lost 5lbs in 2 weeks. I do a lot of sitting. I like the program because I can do it in the privacy of my home, where I am not embarrassed. I like the pictures also and that I can do it from a chair or in the bed. I can feel the progress with the weights."
Laura Reil Vermont USA
"After spending most of the last 30 years taking care of my
children I really need to get back in shape. I'm in the
process of changing my whole lifestyle (a step or two at a
time of course) I'm interested in eating healthy, getting
into a regular exercise routine to strengthen both muscles
and heart. I can say the exercises are easy to fit into my
schedule, not too difficult to do, and when I'm sitting
watching TV I have no excuses for NOT doing the exercises."
Miselle Barnes
California, USA
"I can't believe how easy all of this is. I'm getting in shape while watching 'Sex and the City'. Thank you Jeff!"
Melissa Feiveson,
Business Executive, Age 30
Bethesda, MD
"Jeff - I just had to tell you how much I love your new program. I just threw away all those silly Tae Bo tapes I never watched!"
Margo Boone,
Mother of 3, Age 41
Washington, DC
"I have had your program only a short time, but have already
noticed a
difference. I have used the program regularly, and hope to
make it into a
habit. The fact that I can do the exercise in the office
makes it much
easier to remain fit and get stronger."
Dennis Waroway
"I have been meaning to write you about your book "Get Fit
You Sit" and let you know what a wonderful thing it is for
people like me
that can't exercise the way others do. I am 80 pounds
overweight, suffer from the gout and chronic bronchial
asthma. Until I got your book exercise was a no-no and for
that reason I couldn't loose weight no matter how hard I
tried. Now I am exercising and have started to feel better
I am losing an average of 3 pounds per week. I think you
have provided us with an excellent way to exercise and keep
fit in spite of other problems that made it impossible for
us to exercise before. I endorse your work 100% I would
have paid $100 for
the book and would still feel I got my money's worth."
Boris V. Camacho-Vega
Washington, USA
I sit at a computer all day, sometimes as much as 14 hours, and I never
exercise. Now, with your exercise tips, I can begin something I never knew
possible. You're a GENIUS.
David Mathes
Tennessee, USA
"It's great to know something is available for support when one has to
work. It has been helpful to me in my busy life to know I can quickly print
out ideas or a recipe to prepare a healthy dinner for my family while
working my business here at home. It gives me a peace of mind to rely on
someone who knows what they are talking about. Since I am an avid believer
in exercise and eating right. I faithfully work out 45 min. a day 5 days a
week, here at my home. I get unexpected interruptions, from time to time
that "Get Fit While You Sit" helps ease my guilt feelings. It has really
come in handy whenever I have needed to juggle my fitness routine. Different
forms of exercise and variety are fun and prevent "burn-out" with our fast
pace living. Thank you Jeff!"
Pamela Sorensen Utah USA
Just imagine being able to workout anytime, any place, almost any where….even while watching TV! It's the perfect way for couch potatoes to get into shape and start looking and feeling terrific.
If you're going to be sitting anyway during the day - why not get in shape at the same time?
Come, Take The Shortcut to Looking and Feeling
Great With the World's Easiest Workout Program!
Your entire workout program could be done in as little as 12 minutes, whenever you have a couple spare moments sitting at your desk, watching TV or even while sitting in traffic.
And guess what?
The best part is my exercise program doesn't require you to spend big bucks buying any home fitness equipment or paying for costly gym memberships.
"Okay Jeff - So What's The Cost For This Incredible Program?"
Let's do a quick comparison - last time I checked a NordicTrack would set you back over $1,000.00. And almost everyone I know who bought one uses it as a clothes rack within a few weeks anyway. Or you could easily pay $50 - $75 bucks per month for a gym membership you'll probably go to a few times (that's over $500.00 per year!).
Or you could hire a personal trainer like myself to work with you. I currently charge a minimum of $50.00 per hour for personal training. Normally, my clients work out 3x a week with me - so that's $600.00 per month. This way, I figure at a bare bones minimum you're getting hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of my expertise and training at your disposal inside the new program.
But I'm not going to charge you anywhere near that amount or even my minimum hourly rate. In fact, your total investment for the entire "Get Fit While You Sit" program is just $29.95. That's less than one month's membership to any gym without the hassles. You'll never have to search for a parking space, wait for someone to get off the machine you want, change clothes, shower, etc. Plus, what gym have you ever heard of that gives you a lifetime guarantee? (That's right, I'll tell you about that in a moment.)
So what's the catch? Why am I practically giving this program away?
Well, it's really quite simple. Since you'll be downloading the
manual directly from the Internet I have no inventory and no fulfillment costs.
I don't need to pay anyone to take the orders over the phone (though, you are
welcome to call me at 301-656-2424 to rest assured that I am a real person).
This way I can pass along my cost savings to you. So you win and I win. But
don't worry, downloading the manual is a snap, I'm no "techno whiz" and I
had no problem. (The ebook works with both MAC or PC computers.)
4 FREE Bonuses For Ordering By Midnight
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Since I know it's 100% to your benefit to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today! If you respond immediately, you'll also receive the following:
Free Bonus #1:
"Eat Fit While You Sit" Healthy Recipe ebook ($19.95 value)
Of course eating right will help you get in shape quicker - that's why I've put together an exclusive assortment of 15 healthy and delicious recipes that complement our system.
Lose any unwanted weight and still fill your plate with these healthy and super easy to prepare recipes. Choose from:
- Grilled Tarragon Tuna with Mesclun Salad
- Chili-Rubbed Salmon with Black Bean Salsa
- Rigatoni with Tomatoes, White Beans and Zucchini and 12 more delicious recipes all inside.
Free Bonus #2:
Access to the private "Get Fit While You Sit" discussion board hosted by yours
truly, Jeff Ball ($50.00 value)
Since most people can't afford my hourly personal training rate and I can only work with so many clients individually - I've put up a special "members only", private discussion board for "Get Fit While You Sit" users. It's the place where you can come and ask me your questions about fitness, getting in shape or your diet. Or, just meet and interact with fellow "Fit Sitters".
Free Bonus #3:
'Healthy Work' software package
If you work a lot on your computer you'll love this bonus. "Healthy Work" software will help stop you from getting sore eyes or aches and pains while using your computer. Once installed on your hard drive, Healthy Work gently reminds you to take periodic breaks with its fun little wizard cartoon. Both short and long breaks refresh mind and body and are proven to reduce fatigue and enhance productivity.
Free Bonus #4:
'Stress Busting' ebook
Like I said most of my clients are "super busy" - and that means S-T-R-E-S-S! I tracked down a great ebook that will help you reduce the stress in your life and increase the happiness. You'll want to read through this ebook anytime you feel overwhelmed and stressed out to get you centered again.
Inside you'll find out:
- How to develop a happy, positive feeling no matter what goes on at home or at work.
- The absolute best way to de-stress in minutes.
- What everyone needs to know about stress and their body's response.
- A simple method to increase your well being and much more.
And if all of that wasn't enough, here's something else…
You can't lose with our 100%, ironclad,
"better-than-risk-free" money back guarantee
I say "better-than-risk-free" because each of the 5 bonuses are yours to keep even in the unlikely event you decide to return the ebook:
I know these exercises are so different, so simple, so easy and so remarkable in their promised results, that I can't expect you to take my word for them. That's why, I ask you to see for yourself and try them entirely at my risk.
What I'm saying is, don't decide now if this product is for you. Just get it and try it out. If it doesn't do everything I say and more, if you don't feel more energetic, more fit and more in shape if it doesn't work for you, you have nothing to worry about because you can get every dime of your money back under our no-loopholes guarantee. No questions asked, no hard feelings and no hoops to jump through.
So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Is that fair or what? Aren't you tiring of knocking yourself out trying to find time to get to the gym? If so, why not turn the time you spend at your desk, stuck in traffic and watching TV into quickly and easily getting yourself in shape - without risking a dime, today?
Just click here to get started right away.
You'll get the revolutionary "Get Fit While You Sit" workout system. Complete with guidebook that illustrates all 36 simple exercises and stretches. The whole thing is completely downloadable on your computer so you can be trying it out in just a few moments.
Use these exercises in your home, in your office, even in your car, entirely at
my risk by
clicking here.
Here's to you looking and feeling great,
Jeff Ball,
ACE Certified personal trainer
P.S. You'll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to start
getting in shape with 'Get Fit While You Sit' system. Your
entire workout program could be done in as little as 12
minutes, whenever you have a couple spare moments sitting at
your desk, watching TV or even while sitting in traffic. In
just moments you can get going with all 36 exercises and
stretches...completely at my risk!
Click here to get started
with the revolutionary "Get Fit While You Sit"
program, no matter how out of shape you might be now!
Copyright Silverball Enterprises
14312 Fairdale Road * Silver Spring, MD 20905
ph:301-717-9857 fax 301-656-2471